Another important consideration in choosing a breaker would be operating flow rate (l/min) and operating pressure (psi). A bigger machine with big pump will operate at a much higher flow rate and pressure, so smaller breakers can be overloaded! For example, a breaker that we recently supplied to a good customer in Benguet requested a breaker for his PC75US-3 Komatsu unit. We recommended him two sizes, our SD50 & SD70 variants each with these specifications in the graphic below: |
Our hardworking staff are all fully trained and ready to serve you with this information on hand so please do not hesitate to ask and inquire!
CONTENTS INCLUDE (1) Breaker Assembly (2) Moil Points (3) Nitrogen Charging Kit (4) Installation Manuals (5) Spare Parts Book & (6) Installation Tools! (7) Hydraulic Hoses for Connection to Unit
Inquire today @ [email protected] for all your spare parts needs.